Tunic is an action-adventure game developed by Isometricorp Games and published by Finji. Tunic Released on March 16, 2022. Tunic’s Fox hero was loved by people and became a huge hit. In 2022, Tunic was named one of the most popular games. In 2023 Tunic won BAFTA Games Award for Debut Game and BAFTA Games Award for Artistic Achievement. After the huge success of Tunic. Tunic jokingly announced a sequel on April 1, 2023. Tunic fans are eagerly waiting for Tunic 2. So let’s see when the sequel of Tunic is releasing.
Tunic 2 release date
Game Rant interviewed Tunic developer Andrew Shouldice, who revealed some details about Tunic’s sequel and future projects.
Shouldice : It would be better if it took less time for future projects because Tunic took me 7 years to make. I started developing Tunic in 2015 and Tunic was completed in 2022. Having given Tunic so many years, I need a break. I want to strengthen my mental position for future projects. I like to keep secrets in the game like I have in Tunic. If I were to do something new, I would make it a story with characters, and poring through an instruction manual can be a great solitary experience.
I need free time to do something new. Tunic is weird, it has a fox hero. I am not mentally ready for the sequel of Tunic, I need enough time for it. I had so many ideas for the Tunic that were so weird that I didn’t do them. But I’m surprised to tell you that I have no plans for Tunic 2. The project I’m working on right now might not be as big as Tunic, or it might be different from Tunic. You should not look at it from the point of view of Tunic’s success or his reputation. This could be a completely different project. There are very few games that allow exploration and discovery of reality. I am trying to make something like this.
The Outer Wilds was a game that I finally had the chance to play after its release, and I was truly delighted by the experience. It belongs to a special category of games where players uncover the mysteries of a richly detailed world, gradually piecing together its secrets. This type of gameplay, where you’re discovering an intricate artifact, is truly captivating and I look forward to exploring more games like it in the future.