Tempest Rising Console ( PS5, PS4, Xbox, Switch) Release

Tempest Rising, an eagerly anticipated real-time strategy game developed by Slipgate Ironworks and 2B Games, and published by 3D Realms, is set to captivate players on Microsoft Windows. Powered by Unreal Engine 4 and 5, this multiplayer action-strategy title features a gripping score by composer Frank Klepacki. As fans await its release, a burning question arises: will Tempest Rising expand beyond PC to consoles like PS5, PS4, Xbox, and Switch? In this blog, we explore the possibilities and future prospects of enjoying this epic RTS on your favorite console.

Is Tempest Rising Coming To Console ( PS5, PS4, Xbox, Switch)?

This is the 5th game of the year developed by Slipgate Ironworks. They have released 3 games on console this year. Tempest Rising will not be released on console (PS5, PS4, Xbox, Switch). This game is going to be PC exclusive. Although Slipgate Ironworks has released 3 games on consoles this year, they have decided to release Tempest Rising only on Microsoft Windows. RTS games are difficult to play on PC. As of now, there are no plans to release this game on console. At the time of writing, there is no information from the developers on whether there are any plans to bring the game to the console. Even if the game is decided to be brought to the console after the release, it will take almost a year for the developers to bring the game to the console. Currently, this game is unavailable on console, so enjoy this game release on PC.


In conclusion, while Tempest Rising promises to be a thrilling addition to the real-time strategy genre, it will remain a PC exclusive for now. Fans eager to experience the game on consoles like PS5, PS4, Xbox, and Switch will need to wait and see if future developments bring this epic RTS to their platforms.

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