Is Chained Together Coming To Console ( Xbox, PS5, PS4, Switch)?

Chained Together, the latest offering from Anegar Games, has taken the gaming world by storm with its unique cooperative mechanics and intense platforming challenges. Released on June 19, 2024, this game plunges players into the depths of hell, where they must coordinate perfectly with their companions to climb and escape the inferno. With rave reviews and a growing fanbase, many are eagerly asking: is Chained Together set to make its way to consoles like Xbox, PS5, PS4, and Switch? Let’s delve into the possibilities.

Is Chained Together Coming To Console ( Xbox, PS5, PS4, Switch)?

Chained Together is released on 19 Jun 2024 on PC. The developer of this game, Anegar Games, has avoided the console version. Chained Together will not be released on Console (Xbox, PS5, PS4, Switch) For now this game will be a PC exclusive. Developer Anegar Games has developed 2 games so far, Chained Together is the third one, the previous two games are available on Android and PC. Anegar Games has not released any game on consoles till now so they have no experience in making console games. But it’s not like Chained Together can’t come to console (Xbox, PS5, PS4, Switch) the success of this game can bring it to console. The developer has not given any information about why this game was not released on the console. At the time of writing we have no information on when the game will be available on console. The growing demand for this game on console is such that it can bring this game to console.

While Chained Together is currently a PC exclusive, the overwhelming demand and success could prompt Anegar Games to consider console versions in the future. Stay tuned for updates, as the possibility of seeing this game on Xbox, PS5, PS4, and Switch remains open.

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