Is FragPunk coming to PS5?

Is FragPunk coming to PS5? This is the burning question on every PlayStation gamer’s mind as Bad Guitar Studio prepares to launch their highly anticipated shooter, FragPunk, in 2025. Known for its fast-paced 5v5 hero-based combat and innovative powerup cards that dramatically change the gameplay each round, FragPunk is set to release on Microsoft Windows and Xbox Series X|S. But what about PS5 players? In this blog post, we delve into the latest updates and rumors surrounding FragPunk’s potential arrival on PlayStation 5, exploring whether Sony’s console will join the FragPunk frenzy.

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Is FragPunk coming to PS5?

FragPunk is not coming to PS5. Since this game is releasing on Xbox Series X and Series S, you won’t be able to play it on other consoles. This is the first game developed by Bad Guitar Studio, the creators of FragPunk. The release of the game has been a long time coming but it has been announced that the game will only be coming to Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S. The makers have not given any information about whether the game will come to PS5 after its release. Xbox is the rival of PS5 so we won’t be able to play this game on PS5 soon after its release. Being the first game from Bad Guitar Studio, it prefers a certain platform rather than focusing on multiple platforms. Whether or not the game will come to PS5 depends on how much console players like the game. As of now, the game has only been announced to be coming to Microsoft Windows, Xbox Series X and Series S, but the game’s release is still a long time away.

FragPunk is not coming to PS5 at launch. It is currently announced for Microsoft Windows and Xbox Series X|S. Future availability on PS5 will depend on player demand and studio decisions post-release.

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